Maid Special Quality Table
Roll |
Special Quality |
Description |
11 |
Glasses |
You wear glasses and can't use contact lenses. The frame design can be whatever you want. |
12 |
Freckles |
You have freckles. |
13 |
Sickly |
You've got an incurable disease. However, this doesn't adversely affect your attributes. Choose your own symptoms. |
14 |
Quiet |
You have a cool, subtle demeanor. No, there are no rules regarding how often you speak. |
15 |
Easygoing |
You take things slow and calm, at your own pace. This doesn't affect your attributes. |
16 |
Neat Freak |
You're obsessed with cleanliness, and can't let the tiniest bit of dirt go unnoticed. |
21 |
Brown Skin |
Your skin is a dark brown color. It could be natural, or a tan. |
22 |
Albino |
You have no pigment. You're not necessarily completely colorless, this could simply be a very pale complexion. |
23 |
Shy |
You're very shy. Don't forget to remain silent when encountering NPCs you haven't met before. |
24 |
Actually A Guy |
You're actually a guy (cross-dresser?). Or possibly a hermaphrodite. |
25 |
Overactive Imagination |
You frequently get caught up in your own imaginary world, or else tend to daydream a lot. |
26 |
Greedy |
You will do absolutely anything for the sake of money. |
31 |
Elf Ears |
You have long, pointed ears. |
32 |
Nekomimi |
This varies a bit depending on the setting, but you're a catgirl, with the ears and possibly tail of a cat. |
33 |
Android/Gynoid |
You're not human, but rather a human-looking robot. Parts of your body are very obviously artificial. |
34 |
Vampire |
You are a vampire, with long fangs. Be sure to act...vampiric. |
35 |
Princess |
You're actually the daughter of a family of even greater standing than the master. Depending on the setting, you could even be from another country's royal family. Whether you are in disguise or not is up to you. |
36 |
Angel/Devil |
You are a being from another world charged with judging good and evil. The design and the details of your origin are up to you. |
41 |
Uniform |
You've made some special modifications to your uniform -> To the Uniform Table |
42 |
Symbol |
You have some kind of special mark on your uniform or headdress. -> To the Symbol Table |
43 |
Deliquent |
Something about you is very much like a delinquent. -> To the Delinquent Table. |
44 |
Accent |
You have an unusual way of speaking. -> To the Accent Table. |
45 |
Hairstyle |
You have a special hairstyle. -> To the Hairstyle Table. |
46 |
Accessory |
You have a special accessory attached to your uniform. -> To the Accessory Table. |
51 |
Relationship or Perversion |
Lighter Game? You have a relationship to another player character. -> To the Relationship Table Darker Game? You have a bizarre perversion of some kind. -> To the Perversion Table |
52 |
Criminal Tendencies |
You have an inclination towards criminal acts. -> To the Criminal Tendencies Table |
53 |
Injury |
Because of mistreatment or an accident, you have some kind of permanent physical injury. -> To the Criminal Tendencies Table |
54 |
Tragic Love |
You have had sad or tragic experiences with love. -> To the Tragic Love Table |
55 |
Dark Past |
There is something dark in your personal history. -> To the Dark Past Table |
56 |
Trauma |
After some terrible incident, you were traumatized. -> To the Trauma Table |
61 |
Secret Job |
You;re not just a maid; you're secretly holding another job. -> To the Secret Job Table |
62 |
Membership |
In addition to being a maid, you're also a member of a certain organization. -> To the Membership Table |
63 |
Shapeshifter |
You are an animal or creature that has taken the form of a maid. -> To the Shapeshifter Table |
64 |
Monster |
You're not human, but rather some kind of monster. -> To the Monster Table |
65 |
Magic |
You can use some kind of magical power. -> To the Magic Table |
66 |
Absurd |
You're something that flies in the face of common sense. -> To the Absurd Table |
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